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4A Guildhill Road
Bournemouth, England, BH6 3EY
United Kingdom

+44 7964 734978

Contemporary needlepoint kits with an edge.

My Retro Modern designs are printed on canvas, the rest of my kits are worked in counted cross stitch from the colour chart provided. Do you need any special skills to make my kits? Just the ability to count and relax. I sell to complete beginners and experienced stitchers.

My goal is to change the way people think about cross stitch and needlepoint and with the support of the media and my fabulous customers, I am achieving it. I am always adding to my designs, so keep checking in...


How quickly will I Recieve my order?

Orders are dispatched within 1-3 working days. Sale items may take up to 7 working days. Please note for orders going abroad: your country may charge import tax.

Do you sell ready made cushions?

No, this is a craft product - I only sell needlepoint kits. 

I have never done this sort of thing before. Could I do one of your kits?

Cross stitch is not difficult, I have had many happy customers who have never tried this craft before. Some designs, however, such as any of the sea creatures, Think Happy Thoughts and Sunny, are more suitable for beginners - please email me if you have any questions:

The Printed Canvas range are very simple as it is just a case of stitching over the printed areas with wool.

Do I need to use a frame when stitching?

Cross stitch does not distort the canvas and therefore does not require a frame. If you notice any slight distortion to one side once the piece is finished, spray with water on both sides, leave for a minute, place on a clean towel and pull gently into shape. Dry flat.

I would recommend a frame for the Printed Canvases range.

The canvas seems a bit stiff, does it soften up?

I chose Zweigart canvas because it is a high quality product. You can be quite rough with the canvas and it soon softens up. The larger 7 hpi  in particular softens up beautifully. Don’t worry about creases in the canvas when you have finished - just follow the instructions above for finishing and it will lie flat once dry.

Do you include backing fabric, trimming and cushion pad with the kit?

No, these are needlework kits and can be framed or turned into a cushion afterwards.
If you have problems finding the right size cushion pad, The Feather Company online make pads to fit my designs: You will need to contact them directly and they will make any size pad. They’re very used to dealing with my customers!

Any more questions?

Email me at: