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4A Guildhill Road
Bournemouth, England, BH6 3EY
United Kingdom

+44 7964 734978

Contemporary needlepoint kits with an edge.

My Retro Modern designs are printed on canvas, the rest of my kits are worked in counted cross stitch from the colour chart provided. Do you need any special skills to make my kits? Just the ability to count and relax. I sell to complete beginners and experienced stitchers.

My goal is to change the way people think about cross stitch and needlepoint and with the support of the media and my fabulous customers, I am achieving it. I am always adding to my designs, so keep checking in...

Counted Cross Stitch Kits


These counted cross stitch kits contain everything you need to complete the design: 100% cotton Interlocked Zweigart canvas, Appleton wools, needles, printed easy-to-follow coloured charts and full instructions.

Ruby the Giant Squid

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Ruby the Giant Squid


All hail Ruby, jewel of the sea, wide-eyed beauty, bioluminescent Queen.

Commanding a room, Ruby is tentacled spetacle to behold. With colours inspired by packaging of the Far East, she will be adored by all who behold her.

This kit is worked with Anchor tapestry wool in counted cross stitch on Zweigart 7 h.p.i. canvas. The design is worked from the easy-to-follow colour chart provided.

This more advanced counted cross stitch kit contains everything you need to complete the design: 100% cotton Interlocked Zweigart canvas, Anchor wools, needles, printed colour charts and full instructions.

Working with tapestry wool on the larger 7 h.p.i. canvas gives a beautiful chunky, hand-made finish.

Please note these are cross stitch kits, not wall hanging kits. Backing fabric is not included.

Finished size: 90 cm x 55 cm (35" x 22") approx - She's something to behold!

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